CACIT is outraged and strongly condemns the attack that occurred at the headquarters of the opposition political party, the Convention Démocratique des Peuples Africains (CDPA), which led to attacks on the physical integrity of several people, including the honorable Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson and Guy Marius SAGNA; and requests that an urgent investigation be opened in order to determine responsibilities and punish the perpetrators in accordance with the law.

On the day of September 29, 2024, a « citizen exchange meeting » was held at the headquarters of the CDPA in the presence of the honorable Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson and Guy Marius SAGNA. Indeed, according to the words of the honorable Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson, the Dynamique pour la Majorité du Peuple, a coalition of opposition political parties wanted to take advantage of the presence in Lomé of the honorable Guy Marius SAGNA, from Senegal, who arrived as part of a sub-regional session of the parliament of the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS), to organize a meeting with various Togolese citizens. This meeting saw the participation of several actors of socio-political life, including Deputy Mayor AMESSE Anoumou of the commune of Golfe 1, former deputy Targone Sambiri N’wakin and Professor David DOSSEH.

According to information gathered during CACIT monitoring on the field, individuals who were clearly in the assembly suddenly appeared and inflicted bloody violence on the meeting participants. They allegedly used punches, chairs, bricks and paving stones in this deplorable maneuver that harmed the physical integrity of several people including the honorable Guy Marius SAGNA and Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson, as well as activists and journalists present on the scene, to the point of seriously injuring some and causing significant material damage.

According to the information collected and corroborated by the DMP press release dated September 29, 2024, law enforcement and defense officers were on site at the time of the incident without seeking to restore order in accordance with their sovereign mission. According to the same press release, some of the attackers « were carrying weapons on their belts.« 

In light of all of the above, there is reason to question the effectiveness of the right to freedom of expression and the guarantee of respect for the physical integrity of the human person in Togo.

At a time when the need for social cohesion and real synergistic action at the national and regional levels to prevent and fight violent extremism and terrorism is an absolute imperative, it is regrettable to note that some citizens are undermining common efforts, thus not promoting living together to meet the challenges of the day.

This is the place to recall all the events that occurred in the Adéwi neighborhood on September 15, 2012, where young people armed with sticks, clubs, ropes and machetes prevented a demonstration by the Collectif Sauvons le Togo. At the time, the Minister of Security Yark Damehane had stated « Currently, we have been able to close the investigations. The report has been submitted to the public prosecutor. It is up to the judge to decide what happens next. » To date, despite incessant calls to determine responsibilities, no follow-up has been given.

At a time when the High Commission for Reconciliation and the Strengthening of National Unity (HCRRUN) is leading the process of reparation for victims of politically motivated violence, identified by the CVJR, at taxpayers’ expense, it is deplorable to note the persistence of practices which undermine efforts towards lasting reconciliation.

Faced with this situation, it is up to the Togolese authorities, in particular the Public Prosecutor, to demonstrate that citizens can trust the institutions of the Republic to guarantee the enjoyment of their rights, including their physical integrity, at all times.

If even MPs with parliamentary immunity can be subjected to such attacks through « the complicit inaction of a police patrol stationed opposite the meeting venue », then every citizen has the right to be concerned about their physical safety.

To this end, the CACIT is requesting that an urgent investigation be opened in order to determine responsibilities and punish the perpetrators in accordance with the law.

The CACIT also calls for urgent medical and psychological assistance for the victims of this attack. At the same time, the CACIT would like to encourage the National Assembly to get involved so that responsibilities can be established.

CACIT expresses its deepest sympathy to all the victims of this aggression and especially to the honorable Guy Marius SAGNA, as well as to the brotherly people of Senegal.

Moreover, CACIT would like to bring to the attention of all stakeholders, extracts from the speech of the Head of State Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE given during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 26, 2024, namely:

« (….) For this, we know that we must build a strong, visionary, protective State. We do it as a Nation because it is our responsibility towards current and future generations. »

“In Togo, we are working towards development that must be sustainable, but also equitable and inclusive.”

« Respect for human dignity is not only a principle that must guide all of our daily actions within our borders. The respect and dignity of our people must be recognized through their representations, especially the importance given to their voices. »

« My belief is that another path is possible. »

CACIT is also firmly convinced that another path is possible: The construction of a Togolese nation with strong institutions guaranteeing respect for human dignity and the opinions of all, in an inclusive approach to sub-regional, regional and international integration mechanisms.

Lomé, September 30, 2024

The President of CACIT

Me Claude Kokou AMEGAN

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Le Collectif des Associations Contre l’Impunité au Togo (CACIT) est créée suite aux violences que le Togo a connues avant, pendant et après les élections présidentielles de 2005. C’est un réseau de quatorze (14) associations et ONGs apolitiques et à but non lucratif afin de contribuer à l’amélioration de la situation des droits de l’Homme, au renforcement de la démocratie et de la bonne gouvernance au Togo.

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